The party was great, but there is a but.
All my cousins were there. It was great. Fire ran to my room when she arrived. She looked hot. Fire is a Navajo Indian and she looks like it too. She's so beautiful. She has the long black hair, the Indian features, thin and has fire in her almond shape eyes.
She was wearing a black dress to show off her shape and she looked great. She had on the necklace my grandmother gave her. The necklace was made with white gold and had a pendant which slide on. The pendant matched our eye color. Her pendant was black, while my was green.
Fire looked and acted as if she was the most popular girl in school. She had it all and more, plus she can change shape. She could be also anything, like her older sister Spirit.
I hugged her because for a long time because I have not seen her in years or talked to her. For so reason, my mom didn't want me to talk to her. Found out from M, my mom and her mom hated each other.
But, there was question about Aunt Rebecca, she's black. Now, mom's brothers and sisters are:
Uncle Merlin, Aunt Elisabeth, Uncle Bryan and Uncle Clive. Aunt Rebecca is not a sister of my mom, so I don't know how, Fire and I are cousins. But, later in the night, I found out.
As I was getting ready, Fire talked about the trouble Spirit got into with the tribal leaders and what is going on in Arizona. I miss Arizona. When I was younger, I would fly out there and have fun. I would go to the Navajo pow-wow and eat fry bread. It was great. Plus, it was cool having Spirit, Fire, Wind, Earth and their father changing into animals and furniture. Before tonight, I wish I knew who to change.
After I got ready, Fire hugged me. She was hot as if she was the sun. I looked at her, she was nervous. I was nervous too. I did know what to make of the party. All my family was there, but it was for a reason.
My walked downstairs with Fire holding my hand, I gave her cool thoughts so she would not become the literal sun or hot as hell.
C and K were there with Hollywood parents. Uncle Clive was talking about the Scientology church helped him to kill his fear about turning old and made him became a better actor. Uncle Clive is also searching for religion, next it will be Jehovah's Witness.
My mom and Uncle Clive is always close. Since my mom is the oldest, she had to take care for all her brothers and sister, but Uncle Clive gave my mom the most trouble. When he was young, he was always entertaining the family with his plays and dancing.
One day, mom told me that he was tv for the family and told me she remembers when the tv was invented. I was shocked because my mom doesn't look old.
Uncle Clive ran away from home. He would do acts on the stage, before the film was invented. Again Uncle Clive doesn't look old.
Trinity, Tranter and Elisa was there looking bored and texting on their phones. They are Aunt Elisabeth kids. I can't stand them. They would sell their first born for money and a higher status in life. They live on the upper west in the city, far away from me. They are family member, who you can't trust with a pencil.
Brand, Boyce and Blossom was there. Boyce and Blossom was still doing their homework at the party. They are a family of nerds. Uncle Bryan and Aunt Blythe are professors at Colombia, in the City. Uncle Bryan invented fake human flesh and human blood, so my family could eat properly. I know that sounds disgusting. Aunt Blythe teach some type of science.
When I was young, human flesh was special meal in our house. It wasn't a big deal, like eating chicken. But, when I got older, I found that I was human, the thought of eating other humans made me sick, but I'm not human. I'm a monster, who craves the taste of a person's flesh anytime I get. Mom and dad would bring a dead person into the house and cook them like another meal. The blood was like wine to us and flesh was divine. I just had some today. We had the servants my mom hired on the menu.
M was there with his sisters and brothers. Uncle Merlin love history and M's brothers and sisters know the past, the present and the future. They are like fortune tellers, except for M. He's a good spy, so he knows everything, but not like his brothers and sisters. M is the old man out.
All the advisers were there keeping watch like a hawk. Simon Peter, Mark, Luke, Matthew, John and James. Luke is the new person in the group. Simon Peter helps my family. Mark helps out Uncle Merlin's family. Luke replaced Paul and helps out with Aunt Elisabeth's family. Matthew helps out Uncle Bryan's family. John, who looks like a personal assistant then an advisor, he helps out with Uncle Clive's family. James helps out with Aunt Rebecca's family.
After dinner is when all the sickness came. My brother was there talking with C. We didn't want to talk to each other because we didn't want Simon Peter to yell at us again, specially in front of our family.
He's my best friend and I could talk to him. Now, I know why.
I will write about this later, but thing is, how can I look at my mother the same way again. She taught me to be moral and spiritual, but now I see that is all lies. I hate her, but still understand her. I wish, she could have told me and E.C. about this herself. And Simon Peter lost all of his control over us. E.C. yelled at him for the first time and he felt good.
Found out Simon Peter is my older brother and he is the product of my mom and her father. WTF? This make me so sick, but tonight was the night most my questions were answered.
Is Fire is my cousin and how?
Why am I feeling sick?
My Aunt Rebecca's family can change shape?
The true age of my mom?
And why my family are monsters?
But, I have something; which the normal people don't have. My grandfather is God himself.